How to make delicious food from chicken

1. Chicken cooked with bamboo shoots

Raw material:

Chicken: 500gr
1 set of young chicken eggs
Sour shoots: 300gr
Onions, cilantro
Chili fruit
Spices: Fish sauce, seasoning powder, ginger, lemongrass

How to:

Chicken you should choose to cook will be better because industrial chicken will not cook well. Meat should choose the best chicken thigh or breast meat, buy, wash, close to salt, chop pieces to taste, marinate with fish sauce, seasoning seeds, ginger and lemongrass for 20 minutes.

The mangosteen is washed with water to reduce the acidity, if you want to reduce the acidity, you can boil it with boiling water to reduce the acidity and detoxification. The bamboo shoots are shredded, long by the grain, so they should not be torn into such large pieces, they are not delicious and look unattractive.

Stir-fry the bamboo shoots: Put the oil in a pan to heat the bamboo, stir fry the bamboo shoots, stir well, season with fish sauce, seasoning to medium, stir-fry the bamboo shoots well, stir fry when the bamboo shoots are hard. Bamboo shoots are very edible with cooking oil, so depending on the amount of bamboo shoots, you will have a moderate amount of oil, so not too much will cause the oil to scum on the surface of the broth, thus creating a feeling of boredom.

When the chicken is marinated, stir-fry the chicken, the eggs of the young chicken, cook the chicken and stir well, when the chicken is nearly cooked, stir-fry the bamboo shoots.

Stir for about 5 minutes to infuse the chicken and bamboo shoots, then add about 2 bowls of hot water soup.

If you like to eat a lot of water, you can give more, but be careful not to give too much because it will thin the chicken and bamboo shoots.

Boil the pot of chicken and bamboo shoots, skim the foam if any, then simmer for 5 to 10 minutes, then season to taste.

Turn off the heat for onions, chopped cilantro and chili into the finished dish.